Category: Uncategorized
82 – Book Review Roundtable: Infrastructural Times: Temporality and the Making of Global Urban Worlds
Book Link: Whether waiting for the train or planning the future city, infrastructure orders—and depends on—multiple urban temporalities. This agenda-setting volume disrupts conventional notions of time through a robust examination of the relations between temporality, infrastructure, and urban society. Conceptually rich and empirically detailed, its interdisciplinary dialogue encompasses infrastructural systems including transportation, energy, and…
80 – Spatial Planning in Israel/Palestine and the Gaza War
In this episode, we explore the role of land policies and spatial planning in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Our two guests, Oren Yiftachel and Orwa Switat, discuss the historical context of the conflict, focusing on how settler colonialism and land regimes have shaped hierarchical types of citizenship and exacerbated tensions. The conversation looks at the impact…
Episode 71 – Cosmopolitan Solidarity
To live in the age of precarity is a tolling, everyday struggle. It erodes one’s strength to carry on, live another day, and keep the hope for a modicum of prosperity due to come in some vague future. And when things get unbearably harsh, when the hegemony of neoliberalism has individualised the problems and told…
Episode 66 – Book Review Roundtable: How Cities Can Transform Democracy
We live in an urban age. It is well known that urbanization is changing landscapes, built environments, social infrastructures and everyday lives across the globe. But urbanization is also changing the ways we understand and practise politics. What implications does this have for democracy? This incisive book argues that urbanization undermines the established certainties of…
Episode 38 – Film-Making as Urban Research
Emerging film-makers and urban researchers Nitin Bathla, Sandra Jasper, and Tino Buchholz speak about their avenues into film-production, why film amounts to a vital medium for urban research, and what it would mean to enhance its role in urban studies. This episode is also full of urban film inspirations and recommendations! Our guests: Nitin Bathla…
Episode 15 – Urban Sustainability as New Financial Fix?
The crisis of 2008 has set into motion a growing influence of finance in municipalities. In particular, financial actors have identified an enormous “investment gap” in cities in the Global South. This trend intersects with a new set of urban development strategies, that present the financial market as a catalyst for sustainable development. Standard setting…
Episode 1 – Introduction
Welcome to the Urban Political Podcast! In this brief episode, we introduce ourselves, tell you about the motivation and purpose behind the podcast and what you should expect to hear in our pod in the following months.