Category: Series

  • 85 – Authoritarian Urbanism in Eurasia

    85 – Authoritarian Urbanism in Eurasia

    This is another episode of our Think&Drink Series in collaboration with the Georg-Simmel-Centre for Urban Studies working with the Humboldt University Berlin. This episode is part of our Think&Drink Series in collaboration with the Georg-Simmel-Centre for Urban Studies working with the Humboldt University Berlin. Today’s speaker is Andrei Semenov, an assistant professor at the Department…

  • 84 – How Cities Can Transform Democracy

    84 – How Cities Can Transform Democracy

    Rediscovering Urban Politics  This talk by Ross Beveridge and Philippe Koch provides a novel way of thinking about the relationship between democracy and the urban based on two main arguments. First, across the globe claims for and forms of urban collective self-rule signal that the city retains democratic significance in a very specific sense: as…

  • 83 – Book Presentation:  Dithering for the Common Good

    83 – Book Presentation: Dithering for the Common Good

    Productive Misunderstandings in Cooperative Urban Development This is a new episode from our Think&Drink series in collaboration with the Georg-Simmel-Centre for Urban Studies and the Humboldt University Berlin. Co-operative urban development is the buzzword of the moment. It stands for the pursuit of a fairer city that is orientated towards the common good. In new…

  • 81 – Urban Political x Think & Drink: Maroš Krivy.

    81 – Urban Political x Think & Drink: Maroš Krivy.

    This is the first episode of a new series from Urban Political. In collaboration with the Georg Simmel Center for Urban Studies at Humboldt University Berlin, this series will feature speakers from the center’s Think & Drink Colloquium. The colloquium invites international speakers from across urban studies to present their work and offers an informal…

  • Episodio 76 – En conversación con Clara Salazar (The Urban Lives of Property Series IV)

    Episodio 76 – En conversación con Clara Salazar (The Urban Lives of Property Series IV)

    In this inaugural Spanish-language episode of the Urban Political Podcast, Clara Salazar delves into the history and concept of the ejidos—collective forms of land ownership introduced by the Mexican Revolution in 1917. Following this, the state began redistributing land to impoverished farmers under the condition that they organize themselves into collectives. Ejidal land, which was…

  • Episode 75 – Book Review Roundtable: Lively Cities: Reconfiguring Urban Ecology

    Episode 75 – Book Review Roundtable: Lively Cities: Reconfiguring Urban Ecology

    Lively Cities departs from conventions of urban studies to argue that cities are lived achievements forged by a multitude of entities—human and nonhuman—that make up the material politics of city making. Generating fresh conversations between posthumanism, postcolonialism, and political economy, Barua reveals how these actors shape, integrate, subsume, and relate to urban space in fascinating…

  • Episode 74 – In Conversation with Jean-David Gerber (The Urban Lives of Property Series III)

    Episode 74 – In Conversation with Jean-David Gerber (The Urban Lives of Property Series III)

    This episode of the Urban Lives of Property Series expands discussions geographically and conceptually: Our guest in this episode, Jean-David Gerber, helps us think property from Switzerland and other places. Starting off with the observation that there is no single understanding of property, Jean-David argues that it is important for any consideration to be context-specific…

  • Episode 72 – Rent Strike Series Part 3

    Episode 72 – Rent Strike Series Part 3

    This is episode three of the Rent Strike Series, focusing on the Veritas Tenants Association’s ongoing multibuilding rent strike in San Francisco to demand a say in the terms of sale of their buildings. In November 2023, the Prado Group assumed ownership of 20 Veritas-owned buildings, while on January 18, 2024, Ballast Investments and their partner…

  • Episode 69 – Rent Strike Series Part 2

    Episode 69 – Rent Strike Series Part 2

    This is episode two of the Rent Strike Series, focusing on the Veritas Tenants Association’s ongoing multibuilding rent strike in San Francisco to demand a say in the terms of sale of their buildings. On August 30, corporate landlord Ballast Investments won the auction for Veritas Investments’ delinquent debt and will take over 75 Veritas-owned…

  • Episode 68 – Book Review Roundtable: Against the Commons: A Radical History of Urban Planning

    Episode 68 – Book Review Roundtable: Against the Commons: A Radical History of Urban Planning

    Against the Commons underscores how urbanization shapes the social fabric of places and territories, lending awareness to the impact of planning and design initiatives on working-class communities and popular strata. Projecting history into the future, it outlines an alternative vision for a postcapitalist urban planning, one in which the structure of collective spaces is defined by…

  • Episode 66 – Book Review Roundtable: How Cities Can Transform Democracy

    Episode 66 – Book Review Roundtable: How Cities Can Transform Democracy

    We live in an urban age. It is well known that urbanization is changing landscapes, built environments, social infrastructures and everyday lives across the globe. But urbanization is also changing the ways we understand and practise politics. What implications does this have for democracy? This incisive book argues that urbanization undermines the established certainties of…

  • Episode 65 – Book Review Roundtable: Migrants and Machine Politics

    Episode 65 – Book Review Roundtable: Migrants and Machine Politics

    As the Global South rapidly urbanizes, millions of people have migrated from the countryside to urban slums, which now house one billion people worldwide. The transformative potential of urbanization hinges on whether and how poor migrants are integrated into city politics. Popular and scholarly accounts paint migrant slums as exhausted by dispossession, subdued by local…

  • Episode 64 – In Conversation with Vera Smirnova  (The Urban Lives of Property Series II)

    Episode 64 – In Conversation with Vera Smirnova  (The Urban Lives of Property Series II)

    In this second part of the series Urban Lives of Property, Hanna and Markus talk to Vera Smirnova, a human and political geographer to discuss property and territory from a Russian perspective. Smirnova’s genealogical account moves from the Czarist period to this day, illuminating also the current Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Smirnova offers a…

  • Episode 62 – In Conversation with Nick Blomley (The Urban Lives of Property Series I)

    Episode 62 – In Conversation with Nick Blomley (The Urban Lives of Property Series I)

    This podcast series explores the “life of property” in urban theory and practice. In conversations with scholars who have led the way in property debates, it aims is to advance conceptual and theoretical groundwork on this notion that fundamentally shapes everyday urban lives and political discussion about the city. Within the social sciences and critical…

  • Episode 60 – On Peripheralisation

    Episode 60 – On Peripheralisation

    How do “peripheries” form? And how does urbanization generate processes of peripheralization? Today, urban research is increasingly confronted with processes of extended urbanization that unfold far beyond cities and agglomerations: novel patterns of urbanization are crystallizing in agricultural areas and in remote landscapes, challenging inherited conceptions of the urban as a bounded and dense settlement…

  • Episode 56 – Urbanization: A Contested Concept (Urban Concepts Series)

    Episode 56 – Urbanization: A Contested Concept (Urban Concepts Series)

    Urbanization has become central in recent political discourses, as well as a contested concept in experts’ spheres. This podcast of the Urban Political delves into the phenomenon of urbanization and traces back how the idea of “expanding cities” is causing disagreement in urban studies and leading researchers to raise questions that have haunted the discipline…

  • Episode 50 – Community and Commons (Urban Concepts)

    Episode 50 – Community and Commons (Urban Concepts)

    In this first episode of the Urban Concept series, Louis Volont (MIT, Boston) and Thijs Lijster (University of Groningen) discuss with Talja Blokland (Humboldt University, Berlin) the concepts of community and commons and consider implications for urban research and action. The key argument revolves around the idea of community as a practice, not an owning,…

  • Episode 44 – Decolonize/Decenter: Planning in the South

    Episode 44 – Decolonize/Decenter: Planning in the South

    ‘How can academic research be of service to envisioning alternative planning agendas that reflect the realities of the so-called Global South?’ is the central question that our guest host Inhji Jon stresses in this episode.  Since Western-centric planning approaches imposes norms on places and times where they are inappropriate, we need to explore the possibilities…